Cornelia G. Hurwitz - Director of Religious Education
Lynda Brennan - Administrative Assistant
Religious Education -Email
Phone (203) 438-9707
The Catechetical Program at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish welcomes all registered parishioners on their journey of Faith, especially our young parishioners through instruction to provide knowledge and the Sacraments to help them develop a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Not registered in our Parish?
Call Lisa Cardi in the parish office, 203-438-7292, and make an appointment to meet with our Pastor, Fr. Alphonse Arokiam.
Through the eyes of Faith, we know that God is near and that God is the source of all life.
Please call if you have any questions
Religious Education - Email |
Phone (203) 438-9707
Many photographs on the website were taken by Ann Charles Photography
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish