How can you serve our community?
We are all blessed to have an abundance of gifts freely given to us by God. We welcome you to share this gifts and offer your own through the various ministries offered at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish.
The information on our website is designed to introduce you to the various ministries and committees available at our church. There are many wonderful ways to actively live the gospel and truly assist others in need. Click on the links to learn more about how you can be involved, serve each other and the Lord.
The parishioners who decorate the altar are a spirited group! There is no established meeting time, all though everyone comes together at least twice a year to "build" the Christmas and Easter Altars.
From Advent and Lent, our primary job is to make sure there are fresh flowers arranged at the Altar in the main sanctuary of church. Other assignments include helping the Prime timers with centerpiece flowers and making special arrangements for weddings.
We welcome new members and can accommodate training by working with a senior partner. Members of the team choose their weeks or months to do arrangements.
Rich & Ellen Adamski - Coordinators
Altar Serving is an opportunity for youth from grades 4-12 to actively participate in the liturgy assisting the Priest.
Training will take place once a year in the fall. Sign-ups will be announced in the bulletin and at Mass.
Altar Server Guidelines (pdf)
The latest schedule can be found on the Schedule Coordinators page.
Rich & Ellen Adamski - Coordinators
On the second Sunday of each month St Elizabeth Seton parishioners prepare & serve meals to the needy at a Danbury food kitchen (Dorothy Day Hospitality House). It is a great way to give back to the community for all our gifts.
Help is always needed to prepare food and serve at the kitchen one Sunday a month.
If you can help, please contact Gladys Gannon.
Eucharistic Ministers of Mercy visit Hancock Hall Convalescent Home and Filosa Home on Sundays. If you would like someone to bring the Eucharist to you please call the parish office (203) 438-7292
Assist at the weekend Masses in helping the priests/deacons distribute the Eucharist to the congregation. The people assisting are also called Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist as compared to clergy who are the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
Anyone interested in becoming an Eucharistic Minister should discuss this with Fr. Alphonse and then undergo necessary training, which includes taking the Protecting God's Children course. There is a schedule and Eucharistic Ministers can be expected to be assigned to approximately two Masses a month. Please read more about Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion...
The coordinator is Gina Pin - Coordinator
It is the Pastor’s privilege and duty to reach out on behalf of the parish family to assist those particular families who find themselves in significant need through the Family Assistance Program.
Please contact Fr. Alphonse
The Middle School and the High School Youth Groups are separate groups dedicated to help young people enjoy, live and witness to their faith through a program of social, spiritual, service and study events. All Middle School and High School students are welcome to attend. Questions?
Liturgical music today exhibits signs of great vitality and creativity. During the years that have passed since the Second Vatican Council, the ministerial role of liturgical music has received growing acceptance and greater appreciation by the Christian people. The sung prayer of our assemblies, is a very important part. In the liturgical ministry of music, cantors, instrumentalists and members of choirs serve as leaders for the congregation.
St. Elizabeth Seton encourages and welcomes new members into our choirs. Please consider sharing your talents!
Contact - Mr. Mark Silva (203) 438-7292
The church is called upon to "feed the hungry", "clothe the naked", "tend to the sick". In that spirit, there are many "Outreach" ministries at St. Elizabeth Seton.
Food is collected for a monthly Food First Drive. Coats, hats, gloves are collected in the winter, volunteers serve food at the Dorothy Day food kitchen.
The Parish Nurses meet periodically during the year. Much of the nurses planning is done through e-mail.
The first Sunday of the month, the Parish Nurses provide blood pressure screening after the 8:00 and 9:30 Masses, as well as, health tips..
In times of crisis it is helpful to know that we are not alone. If you need us to pray for you or a loved one, please contact our SES Prayer Tree. Also, contact us if you would like to be added to our Prayer Warrior list! We can always use more people praying!
A fellowship group of men and women who have the time and desire to come together on weekdays for social and service events. Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in McKeon Hall. For information call Kathryn Guido
RCIA is a formal process within the Church which allows non-Catholic adults to learn more about the Faith. While it is an educational program, the ultimate goal, if the candidate so chooses, is to be welcomed into the Catholic Faith by reception of the Sacrament of Baptism/Confirmation, which always occurs on Holy Saturday.
The RCIA program usually begins in October/November and concludes with the Rite of Acceptance on Holy Saturday. Classes are held weekly and meet at an agreed time convenient for both the instructors and candidates. Assigned readings and class discussion are part of the normal weekly meetings. Any non-Catholic with an interest in learning more about the RCIA process should talk to one of the priests, deacons or Sydney McQuade (RCIA Coordinator).
Ministers of the Word proclaims the Good News to the assembly so that they may hear God's Holy Word that is to shape their lives. With a strong personal faith, the reader enables faith to be revealed through simple and natural delivery of the Word. Coordinator is Chris Ruggiero. Please click here for more information....
St. Elizabeth Seton men's group has been active in the parish for most of the parish history. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month.
We have been engaged in service to the parish through crèche set up, Christmas traffic control and in the past have coordinated small home repairs, clean-ups and bike drives.
We share fellowship and have fun through Saturday morning discussion breakfasts and hosting parish events such as the annual fish fry, coffee hours and movie nights.
We experience spirituality through the spirituality discussion/ bible study segment of our monthly meetings. Its a great opportunity for us to talk about and learn more about our faith.
The usher is an assisting hand in locating seats for the guest; a watchful monitor of the Church's temperature and ventilation; a selector of offertory gift bearers; compassionate assistant on the lookout for any mishap or awkward situation; guides the congregation in receiveing Holy Communion; distributor of the Parish bulletin; assist at special Masses and celebrations i.e. Confirmation, First Eucharist.
If any young men and women who have made their Confirmation are interested in becoming ushers, please contact our coordinator John Rosa.
The Women's Faith Ministry is composed of parishoners interested in learning and sharing the Word with each other. It is a lovely group of women who meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30 till 11:30.
We begin in the Chapel for the first half hour, during which we say a prayer, listen and sing a meaningful song. Then we break into groups and proceed downstairs to the classrooms for an hour discussion of questions and answers. Each group has a faciliator or leader. We choose a study that Fr. Alphonse approves for each session.
There are two sessions in the calendar year. One beginning in September ending prior to Thanksgiving and the other in Mid January which usually ends the week prior to Easter. There are required reading on part of the participants with questions to answer. Participants are never obliged to answer all the questions, but we welcome you to participate as we learn from each other in our sharing time.
When we regroup at 11:00AM for a synopsis. After each session we have a fellowship brunch in McKeon Hall and during the Christmas season we go to Keeler Tavern for the luncheon. It is a wonderful way to learn the Word while sharing and supporting each other. For additional information, please contact Cathy Davis or Tina Schwartz
Many photographs on the website were taken by Ann Charles Photography
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish